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Greg Reddeman

O: 624-143-7850 M: 624-129-9667

Greg Reddeman is a Licensed Real Estate Agent in Baja California Sur (RAPIBCS). He, and his wife Joyce opened a Real Estate Brokerage in Cabo in 2006 and have lived and worked in the Los Cabos Real Estate industry since then. Greg R is an active member of the Mexican National Real Estate Association (AMPI) and National Association of Realtors (NAR) and is a Member and Past-President of the Los Cabos MLS (MLS BCS), having served in this position 2007 to 2009.. Greg feels strongly that Rules and Regulations, the Codes of Ethics and the Laws of Agency regulated by these Associations and Certifications should apply to all dealings with Clients in the Los Cabos Real Estate Industry. "Our American and Canadian clients are sophisticated real estate investors and they expect and deserve the same qualified, honest, and professional representation in Los Cabos as they have received in their dealings at home."

Awards & Designations

CIPS - Certified International Property Specialist
ABR - Accredited Buyers Representative
CNE - Certified Negotiation Expert
RSPS - Resort and Second Home Property Specialist

Greg Reddeman
Licenced Realtor
Own In Cabo Real Estate
Calle De La Marina
Cabo San Lucas MX 23450

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